Sorry I haven't been posting much lately. My life has just gotten super exciting, well exciting to me!!! An amazing young man and I have started a courtship relationship! Yes, I am super excited, but don't plan on blogging every step of the way. Sorry to you all, please forgive me. I know it would be interesting, but I just really need to focus on this new chapter God has opened in my life right now. It truly is wonderful, and I feel so blessed!!! So blog posts will be few and far between, kinda like they are now. I may still post every once in a while though. Also, let me know if you have any questions about anything. I know we have already been asked different things, especially since we are doing what we believe to be biblical courtship, and that is much different from what most people do today.
So onto July 4th.... It was wonderful. I hope you all had a great one too! I am so thankful for the men and women who have sacrificed so we could be free! This truly is the greatest country on earth!
I went to spend time with a great guy! His church has a big bbq and plays some firce volleyball afterwards. So that was super fun, and of course I do have some pics. Yay!!!
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"We live in a country the greatest on earth where the flag stands for freedom and what it is worth. She stand in our harbor Miss Liberty calls, All have given some but some gave it all, so we could be blessed!"