This is completely crazy. It's like soccer, gymnastics, and volleyball all in one. Very impressive, and probably very exhausting also!!!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
homemade chocolate hazelnut gelato
YUm YUm!!!!
Chocolate hazelnut gelato...homemade even. It is such a yummy summer treat. It had one of my very favorite ingredients also, that wonderful chocolate spread... Nutella. I sometimes just make nutella sandwiches. Put it between two pieces of bread just like peanut butter. That is absolutely my favorite unhealthy snack ever!
Chocolate hazelnut gelato...homemade even. It is such a yummy summer treat. It had one of my very favorite ingredients also, that wonderful chocolate spread... Nutella. I sometimes just make nutella sandwiches. Put it between two pieces of bread just like peanut butter. That is absolutely my favorite unhealthy snack ever!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Stuffed Jalapenos
Stuffed jalapenos pioneer woman style, from my pioneer woman cookbook anyways.
They are super easy to make! You just mix: 8oz of cream cheese with 1/2 cup cheddar cheese (I also put a little garlic powder in), stuff cheese mixture into cleaned jalapeno halves, wrap with a thin slice of bacon secure the bacon with a toothpick, then brush the tops with bbq sauce. Now, you bake them at 300' for about an hour. Extremely simple appetizer, and insanely yummy!!!
They are super easy to make! You just mix: 8oz of cream cheese with 1/2 cup cheddar cheese (I also put a little garlic powder in), stuff cheese mixture into cleaned jalapeno halves, wrap with a thin slice of bacon secure the bacon with a toothpick, then brush the tops with bbq sauce. Now, you bake them at 300' for about an hour. Extremely simple appetizer, and insanely yummy!!!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Oregon Proud
Oregon is the best!!!
I always say there is a reason so many people risked their lives and left all they had to move there in covered wagons during the Oregon Trail. Of course, my opinion isn't biased or anything though, I was just born and raised there, and loved every bit of it!
picture from
picture from
picture from
This picture is of Mt. Hood which. It is so beautiful! Usually it had snow on it all year.
Downtown Burns, Oregon; my hometown.
Almost Forgot, Oregon's Best.

Yes, The Univeristy Of Oregon Ducks!!!!!!!
We will guard thee on and on
Let us gather round and cheer her
Chant her glory Oregon
Roar the praises of her warriors
Sing the story Oregon
On to victory urge the heroes
Of our mighty Oregon!
Go Ducks Go!
Fight Ducks Fight!
Win Ducks Win!
Monday, July 18, 2011
Order Up
Today's Special: Maple Scones
My dad asked me to make something "fancy" for breakfast this morning. I decided to make scones, which turned out amazing. They had a maple frosting-ish glaze on top which had maple flavoring in it. The frosting also had coffee in it; coffee and me are bff's, the whole way, completely, and forever!!!

My dad asked me to make something "fancy" for breakfast this morning. I decided to make scones, which turned out amazing. They had a maple frosting-ish glaze on top which had maple flavoring in it. The frosting also had coffee in it; coffee and me are bff's, the whole way, completely, and forever!!!
Absolute Yummi-ness!!!!
Friday, July 15, 2011
Faux Lofthouse Cookies
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
YAY!!! What an amazing blessing and answer to prayer, it is pouring rain here! How badly we need it.
I love rain storms!!! It is just a small glimpse of how great and powerful God is.
Here are just a few thunderstorm pictures I thought were beautiful. I got them all from different web-sites.
Thank goodness we don't have this much though.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Psalm 46:10a
"Be still and know that I am God..."
Sunset on Key West. Picture from
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Today I was looking at photography blogs, so inspiring! Some people are just so amazingly talented at that, wishing I was one. Anyways, photography to me is such a great art, finding that right balance of everything, I truly truly love great pictures. I have a few, some I have taken, some I didn't, that I wanted to post here.
This is my favorite picture I have ever taken it makes me think of the verse in Jeremiah 8:20 "The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved."
My wonderful friend's wedding, I did take this one also(and the few above it). Sadly, since I was busy being in the wedding, I wasn't able to take as many pictures as I would have liked to. Although being a bridesmaid was an amazing honor and I had a really great time!!!
What a Sweetie!!!!
This one, and the next few were taken by Estevan Montoya---web-site They are pictures from another one of my sweet friend's wedding.
(Obviously, this is me so I didn't take it)
This one I took around Eagle's Nest on my way home from Bible college last semester. It is SO beautiful there! I did a post on that a few months ago if you want to check it out.
God's creation is so magnificent, and I love when someone is able to capture the wonder and greatness of it! May it point us back to The Creator, God, who is even more awesome, to bring Him glory and honor! Great is God and greatly to be praised!
Psalm 8:1 "O LORD, our LORD how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens."& 8:3 "When I consider the heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou has ordained;"
Sweet times
Since we have moved, I am really starting to miss my sweet girls that I was around most of the time. I gave sewing lessons to a couple of them in the summer time, and I am really missing not being able to do that this summer! I came across these, rather old, pictures of them on my computer and thought I would post them here.
love, love, love ice skating!!!
She has since gone back to Haiti, so it will be a while before I get to see her, or sew with her again. As for the rest, I will get to see them in a couple weeks, hopefully =)
Monday, July 4, 2011
4th of July
Happy 4th of July.
The United States Of America, the greatest nation on earth.
God has abundantly blessed us all!!!!
I love small ranching towns, just like the one I grew up in, and now the one I live in. We went to the fourth of July parade. It was wonderful to be able to do that again!!!! A couple of kids in our church were in the drum line, so I had to video them. They did a great job.
This is my dad's new dream vehicle. It took up 3/4 of the 5 lane road. It was HUMONGOUS so, every man needs one, right.
cute old fire truck
the little colt, absolutely adorable.
As a Christian, my first allegiance is to God; as an American, my second allegiance is to my country. I am so thankful to anyone who has ever fought for or given their lives for this great country that I love. I am thankful for the freedoms and liberties they have fought to give us all today.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Vacation Bible School
I love vacation bible school! I have always worked in church ministries wth children and I absolutely love it. We weren't able to have VBS this year but we will be, hopefully, doing it next year. I am really looking forward to it! We went to another church a couple time this week to see how they do it. They don't do it traditionally, but with a small church it it is completely possible to do, and not too expensive. They were a great blessing to us while we were there, and we were able to learn and see how we can do it next year.
My brother was able to come stay with us this week also. We had a really wonderful time with him!
Now, for the pictures, and a video also. Have I ever mentioned how much I LOVE pictures, yeah I do!!!!
My brother was able to come stay with us this week also. We had a really wonderful time with him!
Now, for the pictures, and a video also. Have I ever mentioned how much I LOVE pictures, yeah I do!!!!
First off, singing with the kids.
Snow cones after services each night.
The girls lost the penny offering so, poor Miss Sharon (the pastor's wife) had to get pied (by the pastor).
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